Monday, May 7, 2007


Sometimes our bodies make us stop cold. It happened to me last year when I had several surgeries to remove the cancer from my body... and now this year because I somehow caught pneumonia. It started with a simple virus... just a cold that I actually thought was allergies. Went to the doctor and found out it was a number of things!
1. sinus infection
2. ear infection
3. pneumonia in my right lung
4. bronchitis
All at once! The doc said I "couldn't be much sicker". So a week later and a bottle of antibiotics and I am starting to finally feel better. I finally got my voice back... I thought I would sound like Scarlett Johansen forever... which I wouldn't mind so much :)
But I haven't posted in so long so I thought I would explain why.
So I guess the lesson (one I should know by heart by now) is to listen to your body and take a break from the world when you need it. Sleep in once in a while, drink lots of OJ during flu season. And most of all... LISTEN to your intuition and your inner you :)

1 comment:

Elle Moss said...

dramatic, otherworldly and just gorgeous!