I haven't blogged in over 10 days! Bad bad... but I have been busy and I have been shooting :)
I had the pleasure of visiting friends in PA last week and this week I was schedule to travel to San Diego but because of some constraints beyond my control... it was postponed. But its ok because there is plenty o' editing to be done!
I feel like a slacker... I hadn't even posted my latest baby, twin and maternity shoot to flickr! But that trip to PA was such a blast and inspiring to be around so many creative people. Great friends were made in a short time. Flickr is such a cool place and I have made so many really amazing friends... being on a site with like minded people with the same passion is like swimming in a pool of ready made soul mates. But now I spend much too much time collaborating and chatting into the wee hours when I should be sleeping!
We visited Longwood Gardens, an amazing place. We didn't even shoot that many flowers... we were too busy laughing and shooting each other. But there will be flowers to show soon enough.
Here are a few of the latest images I have been working on. I have been spending time down by the water now that spring is somewhat here (still too cold for my bones though)... my maternity shoot to follow!